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- Impress School Donors with Digital Donor Walls
Impress School Donors with Digital Donor Walls

Donor recognition walls are a key feature on any university or school campus. Instead of using traditional donor boards, utilizing digital signs will dramatically boost the number of donations your school receives. They will also enhance your educational institution in the process.
Today’s schools and universities need a major donor base that can help fund vital campus initiatives, like building projects and scholarships.
In the past decade, two- and four-year public colleges have seen state funding fall by more than $9 billion. This has led to higher tuition costs, increased staff layoffs, more limited course offerings, and a worse overall educational environment. Showing appreciation to those who go out of their way to make donations to your school is of vital importance. It can’t be emphasized enough how essential donor appreciation is.
Setting up digital donor walls in your school will cost a bit more, but the long-term benefits are obvious. Digital donor boards are simply more eye-catching and more effective at fulfilling their purpose.
Consider that adding donor names or making other changes literally takes a matter of seconds compared to static signage. Your donors will be impressed, encouraging them to consistently donate more. This will inevitably drive resources for your school or university. Donor engagement with digital signage will increase, and your university will reap the benefits of enhancing donor gratitude by recognizing donors.
Featured Donor Stories
Videos will tell that featured donor’s life story and the impact their donation had on your campus. At the same time, you'll inspire more potential donors to make a contribution and grow closer in reaching your fundraising goal.
Show your appreciation of their charitable donation and create a video profile showing their life, work, and philanthropic disposition. It’ll encourage others to leave a tangible mark on your school and know it was appreciated. It is the least you can do to demonstrate your appreciation for their generosity and support for your fundraising campaign.
Interactive Donor Displays
Yes, digital donor boards look pretty, but they shouldn’t only be used as eye-candy. Users should be able to interact with the touchscreen capabilities of your donor recognition screens to explore donor bios, current fundraising goals, and awards ceremonies.
Include information on how to donate with QR codes, payment links, or other means that allow for on-the-spot donations. The last thing you want is to prevent someone who wants to give in the moment from doing so conveniently.
Showcase Donor-funded Projects
All potential donors debate internally on whether to make a contribution. What will their donation be used for at your school?
Your donor recognition display will show projects that your school is using donor funds for—past, present, and future. Donors will know their money is going toward tangible and interesting campus projects, such as new buildings, renovations, and charitable causes.
As donors give to your school or university, make sure your donor digital signage is constantly updated on projects. Also provide donors with URLs so they can check the status of current projects and remotely see the donor recognition walls.
Stunning Donor Video Walls
Potential donors will notice big and bold video walls in high-traffic areas. This will show off your school's digital signage and interactive donor boards. They'll attract plenty of attention and show the names of current donors, their bios, and your campus’ ongoing donor campaigns.
Don’t let those large empty wall spaces go to waste.
Donor Board Artwork Integrations
Implement artwork and innovative designs in your content and as a supplement to your screens. This will make your digital donor boards more visually appealing and dynamic.
Display your school’s donor lists on an eye-catching list with a colorful background. Commission an artistic design from your students or faculty that takes it to the next level.
Beautiful designs around your screens or inside your content or interfaces makes it more attractive and engaging. Screens should fit naturally inside your school’s architecture and space. Add them to complement their surroundings and maximize their utility. They can, indeed, be decorative and add a certain character and charm to a room.
Attracting donors is most important for schools and universities, especially since more traditional funding routes are beginning to dry up. That’s why institutions have to do everything in their power to gain a competitive edge and drive increased contributions. Including digital donor recognition walls is a valuable tool towards that goal.

About the author: LeeAnn Lowery