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August 28, 2024
by Holley Snaith

Acknowledging Donor Gifts Using Your Digital Wall

Acknowledging Donor Gifts Using Your Digital Wall

Saying ‘thank you’ to a donor for their gift helps build long-lasting relationships and encourages future giving. Nonprofits must be diligent in their approach to showing donor appreciation, including investing in the right tools. 

The most effective way to execute your donor recognition program is with a digital solution. Digital donor walls are swiftly changing how nonprofits manage donor recognition. While showing recognition using a traditional donor wall or a donor plaque works well, these methods lack the lasting impact that a digital solution provides and are rapidly becoming outdated. 

Let’s look at some creative ways to use your digital solution to acknowledge donor gifts.


Recognize Donors In an Innovative & Compelling Way 

Building a culture of philanthropy is essential for nonprofits. To do this effectively, you have to have support from donors. A key part of a strong donor stewardship plan is to build a stable relationship with your donors. This keeps them engaged, and they will continue to support your mission. 


One way to enhance that relationship is to publicly recognize your donors’ gifts, and OmniAlly’s digital wall solution is a creative and impactful way to do this. Using a digital wall for donor recognition is proven to increase retention and inspire donors to give more significant gifts

There are many ways to recognize donors with a digital wall. You can simply list names, display different giving tiers or showcase capital campaign givers. Go the extra mile by thanking major donors with donor highlights. A donor highlight may identify the amount of a donor’s gift and how it was used. 

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A traditional wall, such as one that is stainless steel or even glass plaques, takes time to change and is costly. This is not the case with a digital wall. All you have to do is update your CMS, and the edit appears on your wall within minutes. It’s a simple solution to operate, yet its substantial impact on donors will have a long-term effect on your nonprofit. 


Create a Personalized Experience Using an Interactive Wall 

A sleek donor wall design with interactive features offers you numerous modern options in making donor recognition a more personalized viewing experience. OmniAlly’s digital solution features searchable lists that give a donor the option of simply using the wall to search for their name instead of waiting for it to appear. 

You may also choose to create donor profiles for major donors, showing the amount they gave and how the gift was put to use. Ask the donor for a nice photo for your nonprofit to feature on your interactive digital wall. Or, include a video of them discussing why they believe in your work and mission. With the interactive feature, a viewer can click on the donor photo to learn more about them or tap to watch the video. 

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An interactive wall can do more than personalizing the donor experience. You can feature a partner organization’s logo with a link to learn more about their work and support of your nonprofit. Using an interactive wall illustrates your appreciation for donors while creating a unique, personalized experience for everyone. 


Broaden Your Outreach with a Virtual Wall 

If you are a nonprofit that does not have a physical space, utilizing a virtual wall is a perfect choice. With a virtual wall, you can proudly display your donor list and highlights on your website for online viewers. You can also purchase a virtual wall with your digital donor recognition wall, synchronize the two solutions, and watch them work effortlessly together. 


What is reflected on your virtual wall is easy to share on social media channels. Virtual walls do more than recognize donors and their gifts. Your virtual wall lets your organization display capital campaign updates, highlight board members, and promote corporate partners

Recognizing donor gifts with a virtual wall enhances your nonprofit’s online presence and helps you build relationships with your donors and their network. Sharing your philanthropic culture and donor appreciation with an online audience makes a strong impression on potential givers and persuades them to give. 



Showing donors how appreciative you are of their gifts is vital to your nonprofit’s success. Creating unique gifts such as a tote bag or sending out a letter of thanks signed by an executive director are common ways to show gratitude. However, you can make donor recognition more compelling. 

Use a digital solution to make a lasting impression on donors and encourage future giving. A digital donor wall effectively recognizes gifts through donor lists and special highlights or profiles. Donors feel appreciated when they see that they are recognized in such a public and innovative way, leading to repeat giving. 


An interactive donor wall invites viewers to have a personalized experience with your organization. With this feature, an individual can tap to learn more about a donor and their impact on your mission. Show your online audience how grateful you are for your donors with a virtual wall and share it on your social media channels. 

Having a strong organizational culture not only affects the success of your team but also your nonprofit’s bottom line. A digital wall is a phenomenal, cost-effective tool to use to tell your donors about the culture of philanthropy that your nonprofit has built. 

Reach out to OmniAlly to learn more about effectively acknowledging donor gifts.
